I know it may be hard to believe, but some sets in both the Halo and Halo 2 blocks are already getting stuffed. I simply don't think we can contain all the cards we'll end up having in six sets. I was already planning on a 7th "bonus" set, based loosely off the Reflections sets from LOTR TCG. Now I see that there are some non-Reflections cards that simply aren't going to fit in the other sets, so now we'll have an EIGHTH set, which I am tentatively calling The War At Home. This is the set that will feature the majority of cards from the ILoveBees storyline, as well as material from other canon Halo material that simply doesn't fit into the other sets (novels, booklets, Conversations From The Universe, the new Halo Graphic Novel, and the like).
Content will continue to trickle in here over the coming weeks and months. For now I'm struggling just to keep up with the Tuesday and Thursday content. (That'll happen when you're working full-time, living 30 miles from your fiancee, and planning a wedding. Gack! ) When more time becomes available, I will start posting more cards, old and new, in here. So keep an eye out!
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