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Expanded Halo Universe

FPCA Contest #1

v1.0 - 11/22/05 - Posted the first 25 cards, a nice spread between four races.
v1.1 - 1/12/06 - Added several [Human] cards posted since the last update, and updated several outdated cards.
v1.2 - 3/3/06 - (Dáin): Cleanup. I am marking new cards with a ‡ and updated cards with a †.

1 Card

<2>•They’re Here [Covenant]
Condition • Support Area
To play, spot no [Covenant] cards in play or in the discard or dead piles.
Each time you play a [Covenant] card, you may remove a threat to add (2).
“‘It's a Covenant capital ship. Those little sparkles of light are Seraph fighters.’”

35 Cards

(2)•Aiden, Earth Hoodlum [Human] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Shadow players may not assign criminal minions to Aiden.
At the end of each turn, if you cannot spot a criminal minion, you may heal Aiden.
Response: If a Shadow player is about to play a [Human] condition on a Man companion, exert Aiden to discard that condition.
“‘I haven't asked you to do anything illegal, have I?’”

(2)•Aiden, “Legitimate” Businessman [Human] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Civilian. Criminal.
If you can spot a civilian and a criminal, Aiden’s twilight cost is -1.
At the start of each company phase, you may exert Aiden to take a civilian or [Human] non-character card into hand from your draw deck.
“‘...some of what he does is kinda grey-market, you know. I mean, really, it's black market.’”

<2> Ain’t A Game [Human]
Event • Response
If a Free Peoples Man was just killed, make each criminal minion fierce and strength +1 until the regroup phase, or make a criminal minion strength +2 for each Man you can spot in the Free Peoples player’s dead pile until the regroup phase.
“‘Maybe now you get it, princess.’”

(1) Assault on Chawla Base [Human]
Mission • Maneuver
To play, spot 2 of your [Human] or [UNSC] conditions and add 2 threats.
Win: At the end of the turn, if you cannot spot a threat, discard every [Covenant] condition.
Lose: At the end of the turn, if you can spot a threat, discard every [Human] and [UNSC] condition.

(2)•Benji Wong [Human] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Spartan 1.1. Civilian.
While you can spot another Spartan, Benji Wong is strength +1.
At the start of each turn, you may exert Benji Wong to examine the top X cards of your draw deck, where X is the number of tokens in the twilight pool. You may play a possession or ship (except Capital Ships) revealed, then shuffle your draw deck.
“‘[He] makes money—lots, and lots, and lots of money. Enough to buy a 100 meter yacht. And trick it out with everything an ONI spyship has.’”

<2>•Bradley, Kinkle’s Lieutenant [Human]
Minion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
When you play Bradley, you may reinforce a [Human] token.
Skirmish: If you can spot three other criminals (or Thin Kinkle and another criminal minion), exert Bradley to make each criminal minion strength +1 until the regroup phase.
“‘Any time you think bad thoughts about Thin, the knife is going to hurt you...a lot.’”

<1> Broken Angel [Human]
Strength -1
Exert a criminal minion to play this condition on a Man companion. Limit 2 per bearer.
The Free Peoples player may not assign bearer to Man minions.
“‘...crawling back into the world all flush with love of Thin.’”

(2) Contingencies [Human] ‡
Possession • Support Area
Each time you play a possession, if you cannot spot 4 cards stacked here, you may spot 3 Spartan Is or 1.1s (or spot one and add (2)) to stack that possession here instead.
Maneuver: Spot 2 threats, 4 twilight tokens, and a Spartan and add (1) to play a possession stacked here as if played from hand.
“‘Bunkers on every continent. Three surplus Pelicans - one in Switzerland, one in Chile, one in Mongolia. Warthogs within 3 clicks of 15 major shuttle ports. A stash of guns on a rooftop in Old Mombasa. You want to hear more?’”

<2>•Cupid’s Knife [Human]
Possession • Support Area
When you play this possession, add a [Human] token here for each criminal minion you can spot over 2.
At the start of each Shadow and maneuver phase, you may remove a token from here to exert a companion (or wound that companion if he or she bears a [Human] condition).
“‘Made them on Crystal way back when, clamps right here, on your head, very stylish, very nice. The Knife's like a pop quiz from hell.’”

(4)•Durga, Espionage AI [Human]
Ally • Home 1 • AI
Strength: 4
Vitality: 4
Each [Human] civilian is strength +1.
Each time your [Human] civilian is about to be exerted, you may exert Durga instead.
“‘I like to find things. I think I like to find things out.’”

<2>•Gene, “Optical” [Human]
Minion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
When you play Gene, you may play a [Human] weapon on him from your draw deck.
“‘Ok sweetie. What's gonna happen here is gonna happen. So just relax. If it makes it any easier, it's nothing personal, okay?’”

(0)•Getting Spooky [Human] ‡
Condition • Support Area
Regroup: Exert your ONI character (or spot Rani) to take a [Human] or [UNSC] response event into hand from your draw deck. Add (2) or discard this condition.
“‘You think that guy was just pretending to be a bum. That's why his ankles were clean. That's what you're thinking.’”

(2)•Gilly, One Point Oh [Human] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Spartan I. Gilly may be spotted as a marine.
Gilly is strength +1 for each weapon she bears.
Each time another Spartan I or Spartan 1.1 is about to be exerted, you may exert Gilly instead.
“‘Sooner or later, life gets the drop on you, kid.’”

(2)•Gladys, Spartan Volunteer [Human] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Spartan I. Civilian. Gladys may be spotted as a marine or ODST.
At the start of each skirmish phase, you may exert Gladys to reveal the top X cards of your deck, where X is the number of Spartan Is and Spartan 1.1s you can spot. Take any weapons and skirmish events revealed into hand and place the remaining cards underneath your draw deck in any order.
“‘When I joined the Marines, I didn't ask my momma's permission.’”

(2)•Jim James, James² [Human] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Spartan I. Civilian. Jim James may be spotted as a marine.
For each wound he bears, Jim James is strength +1.
At the start of each turn, you may exert Jim James and add a threat to play a Spartan I or 1.1 from your draw deck.
“‘We were real. We were all volunteers, the 1.0's. These things they call Spartans now...’”

(2)•Jan, Babysitter [Human]
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Spartan 1.1. Civilian.
Each Man skirmishing Jan is strength -1.
Skirmish: Exert Jan to make a civilian or Spartan strength +1.
“‘See, the problem with being a big dog, is there's always a bigger dog.’”

(2)•Jan, Walkaway Girl [Human]
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Spartan 1.1. Civilian.
Skirmish: Exert Jan to take a [Human] event into hand from your draw deck.
Regroup: Add (1) and discard a [Human] or [UNSC] card from hand to heal Jan.
“‘Hey soldier. Is that an assault rifle in your hands or are you just happy to see me?’”

(2)•Jersey, Boy Genius [Human]
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
At the start of each maneuver phase, you may exert a [Human] companion to take a [Human] company, maneuver, or regroup event into hand from your draw deck or discard pile.
“‘What, you think I'm not the hero type?’”

(2)•Jersey, Survivor [Human]
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Hero. Civilian.
At the start of each maneuver phase, you may exert Jersey to remove (1) for each civilian you can spot (limit (4)).
“‘Woohoo! Yeah-hah! I did it! We aren't all dead!’”

<2>•Just Pawns [Human]
Condition • Support Area
At the start of each skirmish phase, you may exert Monster Ann or Thin Kinkle to make each criminal skirmishing a Man strength +1.
“‘Gilly, I want Thin, but killing these other people, it's just not--’”

(2)•Kamal, Expert Hacker [Human] †
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
At the start of each turn, if you can spot a criminal companion, you may make Kamal a criminal until the end of that turn.
Company: Exert Kamal to take a [Human] event into hand from your discard pile.
Regroup: Exert Kamal to play an AI from your draw deck or discard pile.
“‘Just another bookworming refugee from the glassworks.’”

(2)•Kamal, Medical Graduate [Human]
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Discard a [Human] card from hand to heal a Man.
“‘I finished med school; how hard can cooking be?’”

(2)•Kevin, Very Persuasive [Human]
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Spartan 1.1.
Each Spartan I and Spartan 1.1 skirmishing a [Covenant] minion is strength +1.
“‘I want to go deep into Covenant space. I want to do it for a purpose, and I want to do it without being under Section 3's thumb.’”

(0) M6B Pistol [Human]
Possession • Ranged Weapon
Strength +1
Dual-wield. Bearer must be a Man.
When you play this possession, if bearer already bears a ranged weapon, add (1) (or remove (1) if played on a minion).
The most common pistol in Human-colonized space, this weapon is found in the hands of all manner of people, from the highest UNSC brass to the lowest criminal scum.

<2>•Mick, Cleanup Man [Human]
Minion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Criminal. Lurker.
At the start of the regroup phase, exert Mick to add (1) for each companion and ally you can spot in the Free Peoples player’s dead pile.
Each time a companion or ally is killed in a skirmish involving a criminal minion, you may heal a criminal minion.
“‘You guys couldn't have done it neater? Look at this blood, it's everywhere. Me? I like things tidy.’”

(2)•Mister F, Casino Operator [Human]
Ally • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Each time a criminal minion is about to exert, you may exert Mister F to make that criminal exert again. If he or she cannot, remove (3).
“‘Make sure they understand how much they owe me before they go and, uh, give Antonio my lawyer's card.’”

<2>•Monster Ann [Human]
Minion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Criminal. Lurker.
Each time a criminal minion wins a skirmish, add (1).
Each time a criminal minion loses a skirmish, remove (1).
“‘Take him... He'll pay the price for what he done.’”

<1> Net Gun [Human]
Possession • Ranged Weapon
Bearer must be a Man. If played on a criminal, this weapon’s twilight cost is -1.
Each time bearer wins a skirmish, you may select an opponent’s character in that skirmish. That character is strength -2 until the regroup phase, and cannot be used by its owner until the end of the turn.
“‘Hit him with another net.’”

<2>•No Heroic Measures [Human]
Condition • Support Area
At the start of each maneuver phase, you may spot a criminal minion and remove a threat to wound a companion.
At the start of each regroup phase, you may remove a token from your [Human] condition to add 2 threats.
“‘Bradley, every time she comes to, give her the knife. When she stops crying she's done.’”

<2>•Pete, Cover [Human]
Minion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Criminal. Sniper. To play, spot 2 criminal minions.
While bearing a ranged weapon, Pete is strength +1.
“‘Oh, you just bought yourself a bullet in the back!’”

(2)•Professor Avi, Retired Spook [Human] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Civilian. Muster.
At the start of each turn, you may spot 2 threats or an ONI companion to make Professor Avi gain ONI until the end of that turn.
Company or Maneuver: Exert Professor Avi to make him gain another ONI companion’s ability until the end of the turn (and replace any instance of that companion's name with "Professor Avi").
“‘You should retire, old man. I got too old for the game. And I was younger than you are now.’”

(2)•Rani, ONI Candidate [Human] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Civilian. If you can spot 2 ONI characters when Rani is played, she gains ONI.
At the start of each Shadow phase, if you can spot a minion, you may draw a card.
Any time a character’s ability is used, you may exert Rani to draw a card.
“‘She looks at the things ordinary people do, like a scientist. Also persistent as hell.’”

<2> Results Are Results [Human] ‡
Event • Response or Regroup
Spot an ONI character to cancel Principles Are Results or wound each ONI companion and ally.
“‘The real problem is that you and I have always seen the world differently. I am willing to sacrifice principle for results.’”

<2>•Thin Kinkle, Bigger Dog [Human]
Minion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Each time you play another criminal, you may exert Thin Kinkle to add (1).
At the end of each shadow phase, you may exert a criminal minion to reinforce a [Human] token.
Each time a criminal wins a skirmish involving a Man companion, you may add (1).
“‘I'm past 30, I've been around forever. Retirement comes sudden to people like you and me.’”

<2>•Thin Kinkle, Sleazy Lowlife Scum [Human]
Minion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Each time a Free Peoples card exerts a criminal, you may add (1).
Response: If Thin Kinkle is about to lose a skirmish involving a Man companion, you may exert another criminal minion to have him or her replace Thin Kinkle in that skirmish.
“‘I hate violence. If people would just keep their business and do what they're told, no one would ever get hurt.’”

17 Cards

(1) Black Suit [UNSC]
Possession • Armor
Bearer must be a Spartan.
If at site 7 or less, at the start of each assignment phase, you may add (3) to prevent any Shadow player from assigning minions to bearer.
Response: If bearer is about to take a wound in a skirmish involving a minion with a ranged weapon, add (2) or discard this possession to prevent that wound.
“They were form-fitting, lightweight polymer body armor. They could deflect a small-caliber round and had refrigeration/heating units that would mask infrared signatures.”

(2)•Capt. Greene, Captain of the Apocalypso [UNSC]
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Star: Gold
Commander: UNSC Apocalypso.
When you play Capt. Greene, you may play an artifact from your draw deck or discard pile.
“‘I think we have to report it. Our job is to gather intelligence; it's HQs job to decide what to do with it.’”

(0)•A Dilemma Worthy of Solomon [UNSC] ‡
Condition • Support Area
Tale. To play, spot an ONI character.
Each time a Shadow player is about to play a card, you may suspend play and attempt to name that card. If you are correct, you may discard it. Otherwise, that player may add (2) or discard this condition. Resume play.
“‘Had to decide how much they could use the intelligence, and how many times they would just have to stand there and watch a German operation they knew they could have stopped.’”

(4)•Durga, Rogue Military AI [UNSC]
Ally • Home 1 • AI
Strength: 4
Vitality: 4
Each time a [UNSC], [Human], [Covenant] condition is played, you may exert Durga to return that condition to its owner's hand and play your own condition of the same culture; its twilight cost is -1.
“‘That's what it's like when you're me. I monitor lots of things all going on at the same time.’”

(2)•Herzog, Cranky Old Man [UNSC] †
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
At the start of each maneuver phase, you may add (3) to reveal an opponent’s hand. Remove (1) or a threat for each of the following cultures revealed: [Covenant], [Human], [UNSC].
Company: Exert Herzog to remove (1) for each ONI character you can spot.
“‘I'm stuck in a dusty old office and no one tells me anything!’”

(2)•Herzog, Enormously Talented Spy [UNSC]
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Each time an opponent takes a card into hand, you may exert Herzog to reveal that card. You may then pay that card’s twilight cost to discard it.
Regroup: Exert Herzog to take an artifact or tale into hand from your discard pile.
“‘I have work to do. More work since some people left the business to take soft professor jobs.’”

(2)•Joe, Insufferable [UNSC]
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
Skirmish: Exert Joe to make him strength +1 for each [UNSC] and [Human] character and ship in the dead pile.
“‘ODST, baby. They pound the quit right out of us.’”

(2)•Major Standish, Results-Driven [UNSC] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 6
Vitality: 3
ONI. Muster.
The twilight cost of each other ONI character is +1. The twilight cost of each artifact is -1.
At the start of each maneuver phase, you may exert another ONI character to draw a card.
“‘My conscience doesn't keep me awake at night, Herzog.’”

(2) One Point One [UNSC]
Event • Skirmish
Make a Spartan strength +2 (or strength +3 if a Spartan 1.1).
“‘I think Jan just...broke a guy's jaw with her elbow!’”

(2) Principles Are Results [UNSC] ‡
Event • Response or Regroup
Spot an ONI character to cancel Results Are Results or heal each ONI companion and ally.
“‘...they are ends in themselves.’”

(2)•Rani, Analyst Sobek [UNSC] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
ONI. Civilian.
At the start of each Shadow phase, if you can spot a minion, you may draw a card or heal Rani.
Response: If an event or condition is played, exert Rani to return that card to its owner’s hand.
“‘How much longer do I have to stall?’”

(1) Spartan “Voodoo Potion” [UNSC] ‡
Strength +1
Plays on a Spartan 1.0 or 1.1. Limit one per bearer.
Each time bearer wins a skirmish, bearer is strength +1 until the regroup phase.
“‘Superior muscle density...lung capacity...some eye work...cochlear tuning....’”

(2) Superior Muscle Density [UNSC] ‡
Event • Skirmish
If a Spartan is about to lose a skirmish, make that Spartan strength +2 (or +3 if exhausted) until the regroup phase.
“‘Look at that...he’s tearing the mesh!’”

(2)•Tech Specialist Carmi, Magnetometry Spec [UNSC] ‡
Companion • Man
Strength: 5
Vitality: 3
Each time an ONI character exerts, you may remove (1).
“‘...your own investigation tells you Tech Carmi is the lead tech on a very secret project.’”

(0)•A Terrible Calculus [UNSC] ‡
Condition • Support Area
Tale. To play, spot an ONI character.
Each time you reveal at least 3 cards in an opponent’s hand, discard a card revealed. That opponent may immediately draw a card; if it is of the same culture as the card you discarded, that opponent may reveal your hand and discard 2 cards.
“‘The Germans were winning. They used an elaborate encryption scheme, the British cracked it, and then they had a problem.’”

(5)•UNSC Apocalypso, Navy Spy Ship [UNSC]
Ship • Capital Ship • Frigate
Weapons: 9
Armor: 6
Staff: 1 Gold, 1 Silver
The twilight cost of each artifact is -1.
While an AI is aboard, Shadow ships may not engage Apocalypso.
“‘Shortly before they turned for home, the Apocalypso, heavily cloaked and posted deep in Covenant space, began experiencing some slight but troubling anomalies with their computer systems....’”

(2) Vacsuit [UNSC]
Possession • Armor
Bearer must be a Man companion.
Shadow conditions may not be played on bearer.
If bearer takes a wound during the sniping phase or during a skirmish involving a sniper minion or a minion with a ranged weapon, discard this possession.